Emergency Radio Long Island

Emergency Communication Training
& General Communications

Bellmore, New York

Amateur Radio (HAM Radio)
About Emergency Radio Long Island's
Emergency Communication Training Network
Ham Nets
(original and simulcast)
DVSwitch TGIF DVSwitch YSF
DVSwitch P25 DVSwitch NXDN
M17 Dashboard APRS location
Digital and RF Network
Note: All modes are linked to the AllStar node
AllStarNode 62499
Beta Only 63668 use 62499
Echolink KC2NJV-L
HAM Over IP ext. 15077
(*99 to Transmit,
# to Receive)
AmateurWire ext. 90006
(*99 to Transmit,
# to Receive)
HamShack Hotline ext. 94064
(*99 to Transmit,
# to Receive)
TGIFTG 11710
Yaesu System Fusion TG 11710
NXDN TG 11710
P25 TG 11710
M17TG M17-117 B
RF Repeaters connectedSee List
Emergency Groups
Emerg Radio LI REACT Richmond County REACT
FEMA Jersey Coastal Alert
REACT International Ready.com
Red Cross Courses IARU-2 Emerg Comm Guide (2016)
CISA National Emerg Plan Nassau County ARES
Suffolk County ARES NYC ARES
SkyWarn Resources
SkyWarn NYC SkyWarn NJ
Skwarn NLI Website SkyWarn Net Control Training
SkyWarn Spotters Guide SkyWarn NLS Operation Guide
AUXCOMM Resources
Aux Emerg Comm AuxComm Student Info
Natl Emerg Comm Plan (NECP) NECP Resources
Emerg Comm Coordination  
Digital Resources
TestFlight & Droidstar for IOS (iPhone) Droidstar for Windows, Andriod,
Mac and Linux
DMR Hero (manual)

System maintained by Wayne, KC2NJV