REACT Emergency Radio Long Island
Emergency Communication Training
Dashboards | Modes |
Amateur Radio (HAM Radio) | |
To keep the Server's operating systems and software up to date, it may automatically restart.
We have tried to make it off hours. |
About Emergency Radio Long Island's Emergency Communication Training Network |
Training Audio Files | |
Ham Nets (original and simulcast) |
Emergency Groups & Resources | |
Bronx REACT | CERT |
Emerg Radio LI REACT | Richmond County REACT |
FEMA | Jersey Coastal Alert |
REACT International | |
Red Cross Courses | IARU-2 Emerg Comm Guide (2016) |
CISA National Emerg Plan | |
SkyWarn Resources | |
SkyWarn NYC | SkyWarn NJ |
Skwarn NLI Website | SkyWarn Net Control Training |
SkyWarn Spotters Guide | SkyWarn NLS Operation Guide |
AUXCOMM Resources | |
Aux Emerg Comm | AuxComm Student Info |
Natl Emerg Comm Plan (NECP) | NECP Resources |
Emerg Comm Coordination | |
ALLSTAR Dashboards | |
ALLSTAR/Supermon | |
APRS location via ALLSTAR node | |
Digital and RF Network | |
AllStar Link | Node 62499 |
Echolink | KC2NJV-L |
HAM Over IP | ext. 15077 (*99 to Transmit, # to Receive) |
DMR TGIF | TG 11710 |
Yaseau System Fusion | YSF 11710 |
NXDN | TG 11710 |
P25 | TG 11710 |
D-Star (not operational) | TBA |
M17 Operational, however, not connected to ASL | TG M17-117 |
RF Repeaters connected | See List |
System maintained by Wayne, KC2NJV