
Node 62499: Serving Emergency Communications

Node 62499 was established to support:
  1. The Emergency Radio Long Island REACT Team
  2. NY Metro REACT Teams (The Bronx, Staten Island, and New Jersey Coastal (JACES)
  3. The broader Emergency Communication Community

Historical Context

REACT (Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams) originated when Citizens Band (CB) Radio was the primary, cost-effective mode of communication. While CB usage is experiencing
a resurgence, its limitations led to the adoption of newer technologies.

Current Communication Methods

Today, the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) offers a low-cost entry point into radio communications, alongside its sister system, the Family Radio Service (FRS). GMRS allows for higher-power repeaters,
enabling longer-distance communication.

Regulatory Changes and Impact

In August 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) implemented restrictions on internet-linked repeaters, limiting wide-area GMRS communications. Consequently, the Amatuer Radio Services,
commonly known as HAM radio, remains the only public radio service permitting linked repeaters and internet-based modes.

Licensing Requirements

HAM radio requires operators to pass an FCC-administered test on rules, regulations, and radio theory. The current test fee is $15, and licenses are issued to individuals. In contrast, GMRS licenses cost $35,
cover entire families, and are valid for 10 years.

Node 62499 Schedule and Service

We offer a combination of emergency training and organizational nets, along with diverse simultaneous-broadcast nets. Our emergency training and organizational nets are open to all and operate as directed nets.

Training Net Structure

Our training nets consist of approximately 10-minute lectures followed by open discussion. To enhance accessibility, we provide:
  1. Broadcastify live streaming
  2. Raw audio files of each session, available within 30 minutes of completion

The current schedule is Thursdays from 19:00 to 20:00.

Curriculum Focus

Our initial lectures cover the fundamentals of the Incident Command System (ICS), mirroring the FEMA ICS 100 course.
This curriculum was chosen in response to real-world incidents in which a lack of training led to confusion during equipment failures and leadership absences.

We invite you to connect with us and participate in various aspects of HAM radio and Emergency Communications.